Oct 22nd
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"Canh Ba" exhibition at AREUS: A nostalgia sense of Asia in contemporary furniture design

On 29th and 30th of July, Canh Ba exhibition was successfully held at AREUS Atelier. The exhibition portrayed a magical transformation between the night and the new day of contemporary furniture design.

Canh Ba Collection marks a special collaboration between AREUS Atelier and BOHO Décor - a leading interior design, construction, and manufacturing company - in their mutual journey on promoting cultural identities & authentic creativity.


Mr.T Villa

Mr.T VillaWith openess and connection as core ideas, the villa is all about opening eyesight towards nature & connecting different function areas into one c...

"Green Luxury" product made from the Alpaca fiber - Interview with the director of Choix Naturel

The XXI century has witnessed revolutionary transformations. In the design field, there are new materials to be found, new patterns to be mixed in ord...

Thermatech®, optimal solution for green building

Thermatech®, optimal solution for green buildingWith the advantages it offers like cost savings and being environment friendly, “green building” has become a popular concept globally and in Viet...

Water non logging solution for soccer playgrounds with synthetic grass

Water non logging solution for soccer playgrounds with synthetic grass Synthetic grass soccer playgrounds business is always the “hot” business in any time, especially when quality of life has been improved day by d...
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Đô thị vị nhân sinh / Cities for People

Xanh hóa Châu Á / Greening Asia

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