Feb 07th
Home English News Tra Que named best tourism village in the world

Tra Que named best tourism village in the world

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Tra Que, a vegetable village in the central town of Hoi An, has been named the “Best Tourism Village in the World 2024” by the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO).

The award ceremony took place in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, on November 15. In this fourth edition, 55 villages from around the globe were honored, the Saigon Tiep Thi news site reported. 

A bird's eye view of Tra Que village (Photo: Hoi An)

According to representatives from Hoi An, UN Tourism recognized the rich cultural and natural resources of Tra Que vegetable village, along with the village’s commitments and actions in adhering to the three main pillars of sustainable tourism development.

In April 2022, the vegetable farming profession in Tra Que was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism and included in the list of national intangible cultural heritage, categorized as folk knowledge and traditional crafts.

(The Saigon Times)

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