Oct 07th
Home English News Workshop “Healthy & Resilient Buildings”

Workshop “Healthy & Resilient Buildings”

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The Healthy & Resilient Buildings 1 day event starting at 8:30 on May 31, 2023.

Why should we be concerned with having healthy and resilient buildings?

Unhealthy buildings can lead to:

  • Lower worker productivity
  • Lower test scores in students
  • Lost revenue due to absenteeism
  • Slower recovery of hospital patients
  • Poor indoor air quality in family homes
  • Extreme vulnerability during storm events
  • Failure to protect occupants during heat waves

Please see below for more details on the solutions being presented at the annual Healthy & Resilient Buildings full day event on May 31, 2023. This event is co-hosted by the Vietnam Green Building Council and the EuroCham Green Growth Sector Committee.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, please do not hesitate to contact us hotline +84 93 522 0970.

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Đô thị vị nhân sinh / Cities for People

Xanh hóa Châu Á / Greening Asia

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